
At Armadillo Images we are committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of visitors to our website. To confirm the details, this Privacy Notice provides information on how we operate our website and any mailing lists.
Website Cookies
Cookies are bits of information that are stored on your computer by your web browser. We do not use cookies on this Armadillo Images website. It is however powered by Adobe portfolio site builder and that may use cookies unbeknown to us. In this case Adobe’s privacy policy will give you the relevant information.
Data Sharing
We do not pass on data to any third parties for any purpose what so ever.
Personal Data
The Armadillo Images website is purely a portfolio site to show you our lovely illustration, caricature, paintings and a little bit about what goes on at our fantastic art workshops. The website does not collect your personal data, require to you to logon or enter any details about yourself.
If you choose to correspond with us; send us an email, get in touch by phone, commission a caricature or illustration (please do, by the way!) or want to make an enquiry we will only use your contact information to respond to that enquiry and in the process and fulfilment of any artwork you would like us to create or art workshop you would like us to run. We respect your privacy, and we hate spam too!
Mailing lists
Generally we don’t operate mailing lists (if we ever did, it would be at an event, physically signed up to by you, in person) and certainly don’t collect any information to that end via this website. We’d much rather stay in touch with you via our Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Instagram accounts (so give them a like/follow please!) where we can let you see new artwork and generally keep you up to date with out endless junk emails you don’t want anyway!

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